AIM for Student Success


无障碍的教学材料是实现大学促进公平文化使命的关键, diversity, inclusion, and belonging. By ensuring instructional materials are accessible, faculty help promote EDIB within their teaching, 创造一个公平的学习环境,使所有学生受益.

ITS通用设计服务、大学图书馆和CETL合作,为教师提供了一种新的设计方案 easy to use, no-cost service to make their digital instructional materials accessible. With the click of a button, 教师可以要求无障碍的教学材料支持他们的画布课程内容. 数字文件可以访问,以便所有学生都能平等地获得课程教学材料——这是学生成功的基础. This includes Microsoft Office files (e.g. docx and pptx), PDFs, and video. It's easy! Simply select a specific Canvas course to receive support, 数字文档的可访问版本将被创建.

How to Make New Content Accessible

Visit the ITS Accessibility webpage 有关如何使您的数字文档更易于访问的深入指南.  

Quick Links 

Although the Canvas web interface is accessible, 重要的是要确保创建或上传到Canvas的任何内容也都是可访问的. Canvas富内容编辑器有一个可访问性检查器来确定页面内容是否可访问. Furthermore, Ally是一个集成到Canvas中的可访问性意识工具, 它可以帮助你上传的文件和图片更容易访问. 

Quick Links 

Visit the ITS Accessibility webpage to learn more about accessible audio and video. You can even submit a closed captioning request (页面底部)为您的视频创建人工生成的字幕.  

As a best practice, upload videos you create to Panopto (video tool inside Canvas). Panopto提供字幕工具,以确保媒体是可访问的.  

Quick Links 

作为TEACH计划的一部分,CETL每学期为所有教师提供几次无障碍教学材料(AIM)研讨会. To complete the workshop, (1)教师参加现场网络研讨会,然后(2)提交可交付成果, namely a Syllabus with Heading Styles.

Please check our latest workshops and register 浏览无障碍教学资料工作坊.

Instructional Material Support for Existing Content



All Star Badge

Accessible All-Stars
Faculty Showcase


  • ​​​​​​Pau Abustan, Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
  • Elizabeth Corzo-Duchardt, Television and Film
  • Dirk Farner, Liberal Studies
  • Irene Grau, Communication Studies
  • Rasha Hannouche, Communication Studies
  • Chelsea Johnson, English
  • Patricia Kilroy, Music
  • Julie Matos, Communication Studies
  • Judy Ann Olson, English
  • Lori Rusch, Art
  • Alicia Tycer, Theatre Arts
  • Aya Nakagoshi, Liberal Studies 

  • Cezhan Ambrose , Finance
  • Jeffrey Anderson, Marketing
  • Andre Avramchuk, Business
  • LiHsueh Chen, Economics
  • Seongwon Choi, Management
  • Edan Epstein, Business
  • Sandor Ferencz, Economics and Statistics
  • David Gadish, Computer Information Systems
  • Nanda Ganesan, Computer Information Systems
  • Ron Glickman, Management
  • Mohammad Hashemi Joo, Finance
  • Marco Martinez Del Angel, Economics
  • Ovanes Hovik Mikaelian, Computer Information Systems
  • Dong-Woo Lee, Accounting
  • Haejung (Audrie) Na, Finance & Law
  • Carlin Nguyen, Marketing
  • James Refalo, Finance
  • Sunil Sapra, Economics
  • Brandon Shamim, Management
  • Parkev Tatevosian, Finance
  • Maryam Tofighi, Marketing
  • Mine Ucok Hughes, Marketing
  • Ming Wang, Computer Information Systems
  • BingBing Wang, Finance
  • Song Xing, Computer Information Systems
  • Jong Yi, Finance
  • Angela Young, Management
  • Lijuan Zhao, Accounting
  • Joanna Zhao, Accounting
  • Bo Li, Management
  • Susan Khoee, Computer Information Systems

  • Toby Baker, Curriculum and Instruction
  • Gina Chavez, Special Education, and Counseling
  • Dolores Delgado Bernal, Educational Foundation
  • Anne Haga, Special Education
  • Erica Hamilton, Curriculum and Instruction
  • Ambika Raj, Curriculum and Instruction
  • Jennifer Symon, Special Education and Counseling
  • Miguel Zavala, Curriculum and Instruction
  • Lili Zhou, Curriculum and Instruction

  • Michael Thomas, Technology
  • Yuqing Zhu, Computer Science

  • Maria Ambriz, Chicana(o) Latina(o) Studies
  • Joanna Flores, Chicana(o) Latina(o) Studies

  • Trishmonisha Blagdon, Communication Disorders
  • Todd Chamberlain, Criminal Justice
  • Rakel Delevi, Child and Family Studies
  • Gabriel Ferreyra-Orozco, Criminal Justice
  • Kelly Field, Child Development
  • Colleen Friend, Social Work
  • Kimberly Gottesman, Nutrition Food and Science
  • Kathryn Amanda Hillstrom, Nutrition Food and Science
  • Peter Ivory, Communication Disorders
  • Minas Michikyan, Child and Family Studies
  • Jessica Morales-Chicas, Child Development
  • Michele Nicolo, Nutrition Food and Science
  • James Simon, Social Work
  • Joshua Ruffin, Criminal Justice & Criminalistics
  • Tracy Webb, Criminal Justice
  • Su Jeong Wee, Child and Family Studies
  • Dwan Bridges, Kinesiology
  • Stephen Gonzalez, Kinesiology
  • Anureet Kaur, Kinesiology
  • Elaine Schneider, Kinesiology
  • Apryl Vines, Kinesiology
  • Suzanne Elizondo, Nutrition Food and Science 
  • Shichun Ling, Criminal Justice & Criminalistics 

  • Beth Felice Baker-Cristales, Anthropology
  • Jessica Bodoh-Creed, Anthropology
  • Katie Dingeman, Sociology
  • Gaithri Fernando, Psychology
  • Analena Hassberg, Sociology
  • Soo Mee Kim, Sociology
  • Libby Lewis, Sociology
  • Felicia Montes, Latin American Studies
  • Susana Morales, Latin American Studies
  • Heidi Riggio, Psychology
  • Tanya Sanabria, Sociology
  • James Christian Sera, Anthropology
  • Robert Weide, Sociology
  • Sasha Wright, Biology
  • Dong Zhang, Chemistry & Biochemistry

  • Bridgid Fennell, Library & Information Science
  • Jeannette Vaught, Library & Information Science


ITS通用设计服务、大学图书馆和CETL合作,为教师提供了一种新的设计方案 easy to use, no-cost service to make their digital instructional materials accessible. With the click of a button, 教师可以要求 为他们的Canvas课程内容提供可访问的教学材料支持. 数字文件是可访问的,以便所有学生都有平等的机会获得课程教学材料. 

It's easy! Simply select a specific Canvas course to receive support, 数字文档的可访问版本将被创建. 

无障碍的教学材料是实现大学促进公平文化使命的关键, diversity, inclusion, and belonging. By ensuring your materials are accessible, you help promote EDIB within your teaching, 创造一个公平的学习环境,使所有学生受益.

当你教授你的课程时,你可以使用ppt、Word文档、pdf文件和教学视频. 通过为所有学生提供多种表示内容的方式,这些材料可以变得更容易理解, such as images with text-based descriptions (alt-text), videos with accurate closed captioning, and readable PDFs.

When you make your digital files accessible, you show your commitment to promoting equity, diversity, inclusion, and belonging in their teaching to benefit all students. This makes you an Accessible All-Star

完成课程补习的教师将在我们的网站展示页面上得到认可, will receive a digital badge, 并被鼓励将他们的成就纳入他们的RTP档案. We encourage you to visit this website, learn more about the initiative, 看到你的同事成为无障碍全明星. 


  1. You request remediation via the online form to start the no-cost service.  

  1. CETL staff will make a copy of your Canvas course. 

  1. ITS工作人员将在这个复制的课程中进行盘点并使文件可访问. 

  1. 当您教学时,将这些新的可访问内容导入您的下一个Canvas课程. 

注意:为了确保我们的倡议产生最大的影响,我们正在优先考虑 学生要求无障碍媒体住宿的2024年秋季课程. 如果您被安排教授优先课程之一,您将收到通知电子邮件.  

If you’re notified, 下面是如何利用这个专业支持服务来制作课程内容的可访问版本. How it works: 

  1. 查看邮件通知:你需要知道优先选择的课程.  

  1. From the email, 访问简短的在线表格 请求免费服务(电子邮件通知将包含一个特殊链接), unique to each faculty/course).  

  1. 在表单中,提供一个到画布课程的链接,其中包含您计划在2024年秋季使用的内容.  

  1. ITS, Library, 和CETL工作人员将努力提高画布课程中包含的数字内容的可访问性.  

  1. You’ll be notified after course content is accessible.  

  1. Later this year, as you get ready to teach, 使用课程的可访问版本复制到您的秋季2024课程shell中.  

If you do not receive an email notification, 你仍然可以加入我们的AIM学生成功计划:  

  • 与同事分享这些信息,并鼓励你的主席在部门会议上讨论.

当你改进了你的课程,与你的学生分享你的成功! 我们鼓励你推广你所做的工作,使你的课程公平和无障碍. 你可能想和你的学生分享的一些观点包括: 

  • 所有的ppt、Word文档和pdf都可以通过屏幕阅读器读取. 

  • 所有图像都有Alt-text,用于描述使用屏幕阅读器的学生的图像.. 

  • Canvas中的Ally工具可以为学生提供不同格式的教学材料,包括电子书, electronic braille, and audio versions. Students can learn about Ally and use the best version to help them in your class.