软件 for Personal Computers

Through CSU systemwide 和/or 加州大学洛杉矶分校 site license agreements with various software companies, the university provides free or discounted software to eligible students, 教师, 和 staff for use on their personal devices such as laptops or home computers. Please make sure to read the end-user license agreement (EULA) associated with each software title to comply with any usage restrictions set by the publisher.


Below is a list of software that can be downloaded or purchased for personal use. 点击 each software title to view more details.

软件 JAWS屏幕阅读器
ZoomText on-screen magnification
ZoomText Fusion hybrid magnification 和 screen reading
描述 学生, 教师, 和 staff are eligible for a home-use license of either of the accessibility software for use on a personal (non-university) computer. You may choose one from the software list.
平台 窗户
符合条件的用户 当前的学生, 教师, 和 staff
许可证 The license is valid for 1 year from the date you activate the software 和 will not be renewed automatically. To renew the license, follow the same steps to download a new annual license. The license will also be terminated when you no longer have access to your MyCalstateLA ID 账户.
成本 免费的
系统需求 The software can only be activated on a 窗户 computer.

To download any accessibility software, go to the 免费的dom Scientific 首页-Use 许可 web页面 和 enter your 足彩外围网站的电子邮件地址 to access an individual license. You will be asked to create a 免费的dom Scientific 账户. Follow the prompts provided on the 网站 to complete the download.



  • Call 免费的dom Scientific at 727-803-8600, Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.美国东部时间
  • 提交一个 技术支持 请求

For documentation on how to use the software, visit: 免费的dom Scientific's Documentation 页面.

For general support, email: (电子邮件保护).


软件 Adobe Creative Cloud标志
Adobe Creative Cloud Pro
描述 Adobe Creative Cloud Pro is a subscription-based service that provides access to the latest versions of Adobe desktop applications such as Photoshop, 插画家, Dreamweaver, 排版软件名称, Premiere Pro, 杂技演员直流, Adobe Stock及更多. All subscribers will also receive 100 GB of cloud storage.
平台 窗户、Mac
符合条件的用户 当前的学生
许可证 The license is valid for 1 year from the date you activate your 账户 和 software. The software can be installed on up to 2 computers (PC or Mac). If you want to use the software on a 3rd computer, you will need to deactivate one of your other installations. The license will also terminate when you no longer have access to your MyCalstateLA ID 账户. For instructions, visit the Activate 和 Deactivate Adobe Products 页面.
成本 $14.99 annual subscription fee (没有退款)
系统需求 Creative Cloud System Requirements

To sign up for an Adobe Creative Cloud subscription:

  1. 登录 Kivuto WebStore 与你的 MyCalStateLA ID 账户.
  2. 点击 Adobe Creative Cloud,点击 Add to Cart, 和 then proceed through the checkout process. You will be required to accept the Adobe Enterprise Term 许可证 Agreement (ETLA) to proceed with the purchase.
  3. Once you place the order, follow the onscreen instructions to download the software using your 企业标识 which is the same as your MyCalstateLA ID. Do not use your personal Adobe ID.

When your 1-year subscription expires, you can renew it by repeating the steps above. DO NOT renew your subscription at the Adobe 网站.

For assistance with purchasing or downloading the software, contact Kivuto支持 (Phone: 1-888-396-1447, Email: (电子邮件保护)).

All current Adobe subscribers can access their 账户 和 update their software at by using their 企业标识.





软件 ArcGIS职业 Logo
描述 ArcGIS职业 is a full-featured professional desktop GIS application from Esri. 使用ArcGIS职业, 你可以探索, 可视化, 和 analyze data; create 2D maps 和 3D scenes; 和 share your work to ArcGIS Online or your ArcGIS Enterprise portal.
平台 窗户
符合条件的用户 当前的学生 和 教师
成本 免费的

Download ArcGIS software from the 加州州立大学洛杉矶ArcGIS 网站. 您需要点击 加州LA SSO 和 sign in using your MyCalStateLA ID 账户 to download the software.

Instructions to Download 和 Access ArcGIS职业 (多克斯)

产品支持 ArcGIS职业资源


软件 欧特克的标志
描述 欧特克 is a software corporation that makes 3D design, 工程, 和 entertainment software. This includes AutoCAD, Civil 3D, 3ds Max, Maya, 和 more.
平台 窗户、Mac
符合条件的用户 当前的学生 和 教师
成本 免费的
如何得到它 Download 欧特克 software from the 欧特克 Education Community 网站. You will need to register for an 欧特克 账户 using your 足彩外围网站的电子邮件地址 to download the software.
产品支持 欧特克的支持


软件 ChemDraw标志
描述 ChemDraw ' is a drawing program that provides all the tools you need to quickly create chemical structures 和 reactions, 实验室笔记, 还有实验报告.
平台 窗户、Mac
符合条件的用户 当前的学生, 教师, 和 staff
成本 免费的
如何得到它 下载ChemDraw PerkinElmer 网站. You will need to enter your 足彩外围网站的电子邮件地址 for site license verification 和 register for a PerkinElmer 账户 to download the software.


软件 语法标志

Grammarly is a powerful digital writing tool using artificial intelligence 和 natural language processing to offer grammar checking, 拼写检查, 和 plagiarism detection services along with suggestions about writing clarity, 简洁, 词汇表, 交货方式, 和语气.

Products Included with Grammarly

平台 窗户、Mac
符合条件的用户 当前的学生, 教师, 和 staff
许可证 The site license is valid for 1 year 和 you need to renew it yearly. The software can be installed on 5 different devices.
成本 免费的
系统需求 Grammarly Hardware 和 软件 Requirements

参观 语法注册 页面 to create an 账户 using your MyCalStateLA ID 账户 和 your preferred 密码.



语法技巧 & 教程



软件 IBM SPSS Amos
描述 Amos (Analysis of Moment Structures) is an add-on module for SPSS. It is designed primarily for structural equation modeling, 路径分析, 和 covariance structure modeling.
平台 窗户
符合条件的用户 Current 教师, staff, 和 students
成本 免费的
如何得到它 请填写 首页-use 软件 许可证 Agreement Form 为教师
请填写 首页-use 软件 许可证 Agreement Form 为学生
产品支持 IBM SPSS帮助和支持


软件 SPSS标志
描述 SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) is one of the most popular statistical software packages. It can perform highly complex data manipulation 和 analysis with simple instructions.
平台 窗户、Mac
符合条件的用户 Current 教师, staff, 和 students
成本 免费的
如何得到它 请填写 首页-use 软件 许可证 Agreement Form 为教师
请填写 首页-use 软件 许可证 Agreement Form 为学生
产品支持 IBM SPSS帮助和支持


软件 MATLAB的标志
MATLAB, Simulink, 和 companion toolboxes

MATLAB is a high-performance language for technical computing. 它集成了计算, 可视化, 和 programming in an easy-to-use environment where problems 和 solutions are expressed in familiar 数学 notation. MATLAB is used by many engineers 和 scientists in fields such as image 和 signal processing, 通信, control systems for industry, 智能电网设计, 机器人, as well as computational finance.

Products Included with MATLAB

平台 窗户、Mac, Linux
符合条件的用户 当前的学生, 教师, 和 staff
许可证 The site license is valid for 1 year from the date the campus agreement is signed, 和 you need to renew it yearly. The software can be installed on unlimited devices.
成本 免费的
系统需求 MATLAB系统要求


  1. 参观 MATLAB的访问 网站.
  2. 单击 今天就开始吧 的连结 下载MATLAB section.
  3. 使用您的 MyCalStateLA ID 账户.
  4. 创建一个 MathWorks 账户. MathWorks recommends using a 密码 different from your MyCalStateLA ID 账户.
  5. Download 和 install the software.


  1. Open MATLAB (if the license has already expired, the activation client will launch 和 you can skip the next step).
  2. 导航到 帮助 菜单和选择 许可.
  3. 点击 激活软件.
  4. 选择 使用互联网激活.
  5. Once reactivated, you will need to restart MATLAB before the new license file is recognized. If the installation has already expired, you will be prompted to activate when attempting to launch MATLAB.


MATLAB Academic Online Training Suite


软件 微软办公室标志
微软 办公室 365 ProPlus
描述 办公室 365 ProPlus is a subscription-based version of 办公室. It includes the following applications.
  • 窗口: Access, Excel, OneNote, Outlook, PowerPoint, 和 Word
  • 麦克: Excel, OneNote, Outlook, PowerPoint, 和 Word
  • iPhone和iPad: Excel, OneNote, Outlook, PowerPoint, 和 Word
  • Android: Excel, OneNote, Outlook, PowerPoint, 和 Word
  • 窗户移动: Excel, OneNote, Outlook, PowerPoint, 和 Word
平台 窗户、Mac, iOS, Android
符合条件的用户 当前的学生, 教师, 和 staff
许可证 The software can be installed on up to 5 computers (PC or Mac), 5 tablets, 和 5 phones. A network connection is not required to use the software, but users must connect to the internet at least once every 30 days to keep their subscription active. 学生 will lose access to the license when they are no longer enrolled at a California State University. 教师 和 staff will lose access to the license when their employment at California State University ends.
成本 免费的
系统需求 办公系统要求

To install 办公室 365 on a PC or 麦克:

  1. 登录到 办公室 365 与你的 足彩外围网站的电子邮件地址密码.
  2. 办公室 365主页,点击 安装办公室应用程序,然后点击 办公室 to download the installation file.
  3. Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the installation 和 activate 办公室.

To install 办公室 365 apps on an iPad or iPhone:

  1. 打开 应用程序商店 on your device, search for 微软, 和 then download the desired 办公室 app.
  2. Once installed, open the app 和 tap 登录.
  3. Enter your 足彩外围网站的电子邮件地址 和 tap 下一个.
  4. Enter your 密码 和 tap 登录.

For assistance with downloading or installing the software, contact the ITS服务台.

产品支持 微软 办公室 365 Training Center


软件 情景应用程序的标志
描述 情景应用程序 (Statistical Analysis 软件) is a software suite used for advanced analytics, 多变量分析, 商业智能, 数据管理, 预测分析.
平台 窗户
符合条件的用户 现有教职员工
成本 免费的
如何得到它 请填写 首页-use 软件 许可证 Agreement Form 在ServiceNow.
产品支持 情景应用程序客户支持


软件 TechSmith Camtasia标志 TechSmith Snagit标志
描述 Camtasia is a screen recording 和 video editing software that allows users to create professional videos. Snagit is a screen capture 和 editing software that allows users to capture anything displayed on a screen 和 enhance it with effects.
平台 窗户、Mac
符合条件的用户 现有教职员工
许可证 Each software can be installed on only 1 computer (PC or Mac).
成本 免费的

Camtasia System Requirements


如何得到它 请填写 首页-use 软件 许可证 Agreement Form 在ServiceNow.




软件 Wolfram Mathematica的标志
Wolfram Mathematica
描述 Mathematica is a symbolic 数学 computation program used in many scientific, 工程, 数学, 以及计算机领域. Features include instant dynamic interactivity, high-impact adaptive 可视化, symbolic interface construction, load-on-dem和 curated data, 图像和音频处理, 神经网络, 和3D打印.
平台 窗户、Mac, Linux
符合条件的用户 当前的学生, 教师, 和 staff
成本 免费的
如何得到它 For information on how to download Mathematica, visit the Mathematica 的网页.
产品支持 Wolfram的支持



The following vendors offer 加州大学洛杉矶分校 students, 教师, 和 staff discounts on the purchase of commonly used software for personal use.