Conferencing Services


Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams是一个会议工具,允许用户建立共享的, collaborative space, schedule virtual meetings, assign tasks, and more.

Download Microsoft Teams


Zoom Web Conferencing

The CSU has established a contract with Zoom, which provides all campuses access to a number of audio, video and web conferencing tools. Use the following link to access Zoom.

Cal State LA Zoom

下面是足彩外围网站如何开始使用Zoom的分步说明. 有关更深入的说明和视频教程,请参阅以下资源:


在您可以使用Zoom之前,您必须为您的设备安装Zoom软件. Zoom is available for Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android devices.

Note: 当您开始或加入您的第一次Zoom会议没有安装Zoom, 设备上的Zoom软件会自动下载,你需要安装它. 建议提前安装Zoom,这样就不会耽误你的第一次会议.

To download and install Zoom:

  1. 从Zoom下载中心下载并运行相应的 desktop client or mobile app for your device.
  2. Follow the on-screen prompts to install Zoom.

You can join a Zoom meeting without logging in, 但如果你想开始或安排Zoom会议,你必须登录.

To log in to the Zoom website:

  1. Go to the Cal State LA Zoom website.
  2. Click Sign In in the upper-right corner of the page.
  3. Log in with your MyCalStateLA ID account.

To log in to the Zoom desktop app:

  1. Open the Zoom app on your device.
  2. Click Sign In, and then click Sign In with SSO.
  3. Enter calstatela as the company domain, and then click Continue.
  4. Log in with your MyCalStateLA ID account.
  5. If prompted, click to open Zoom Meetings.

To log in to the Zoom mobile app:

  1. Open the Zoom app on your mobile device.
  2. Tap Sign In, and then tap SSO.
  3. Enter calstatela as the company domain, and then tap Go or Continue.
  4. Log in with your MyCalStateLA ID account.
  5. If prompted, tap Open to open the Zoom app.

您可以使用Zoom来安排一次性会议或定期会议. 安排定期会议时,每次会议都使用相同的会议ID和设置.

See the Scheduling Meetings 页面,提供视频教程和各设备的会议选项信息.

To schedule a meeting using the Zoom website:

  1. Log in to the Cal State LA Zoom website with your MyCalStateLA ID account.
  2. Click Meetings in the left pane.
  3. Under Upcoming Meetings, click Schedule a New Meeting.
  4. 输入会议详细信息(主题、开始日期和时间、持续时间等).) and select the desired meeting options.
    • If this is a recurring meeting, select the Recurring meeting check box, and then set the recurrence pattern.
  5. Click Save to finish scheduling.
  6. To invite attendees, select a calendar option or copy the invitation, and then send it via email or a meeting request.
    • 如果是重复会议,请在发送会议请求前设置重复模式.

To schedule a meeting using the Zoom desktop app:

  1. Open the Zoom app on your computer.
  2. If you are not already logged in, log in with your MyCalStateLA ID account.
  3. Click Schedule.
  4. 输入会议详细信息(主题、开始日期和时间、持续时间等).) and select the desired meeting options.
    • If this is a recurring meeting, select the Recurring meeting check box.
  5. 选择要用于发送会议邀请的日历.
  6. Click Schedule to finish scheduling.
  7. A pre-populated meeting request opens in the selected calendar. Add attendees, set the recurrence pattern if needed, and send.
    • If you selected Other Calendars,复制邀请,然后通过电子邮件或会议请求发送.

To schedule a meeting using the Zoom mobile app:

  1. Open the Zoom app on your mobile device.
  2. If you are not already logged in, log in with your MyCalStateLA ID account.
  3. Tap Schedule.
  4. 输入会议详细信息(主题、开始日期和时间、持续时间等).) and select the desired meeting options.
  5. Tap Done to finish scheduling.
  6. Add attendees and send.

当您安排Zoom会议时,您将被视为该会议的主持人. 作为会议的主持人,您可以控制会议的各个方面,例如管理与会者.

See the Host and Co-Host Controls in a Meeting 页面的缩放帮助中心的视频教程和信息的主机控制的每个设备.

To start a scheduled meeting using the Zoom website:

  1. Log in to the Cal State LA Zoom website with your MyCalStateLA ID account.
  2. Click Meetings in the left pane.
  3. Under Upcoming Meetings, click Start next to the meeting you want to start.
  4. If prompted, click to open Zoom Meetings.
  5. Select to join audio by phone or computer.

To start a scheduled meeting using the Zoom desktop app:

  1. Open the Zoom app on your computer.
  2. If you are not already logged in, log in with your MyCalStateLA ID account.
  3. Click Meetings at the bottom of the window.
  4. On the Upcoming tab, select the meeting you want to start, and then click Start.
  5. Select to join audio by phone or computer.

To start a scheduled meeting using the Zoom mobile app:

  1. Open the Zoom app on your mobile device.
  2. If you are not already logged in, log in with your MyCalStateLA ID account.
  3. Tap Meetings at the bottom of the screen.
  4. Tap Start next to the meeting you want to start.
  5. Select to join audio by microphone or dial in.


Set a Meeting Passcode

会议主持人可以要求与会者在加入会议前输入密码. 这提供了更大的访问控制,并防止未经邀请的客人加入会议.

在预约会议时,主持人可以通过选择会议密码来设置会议密码 Require meeting passcode check box. 一个数字密码将自动生成并包含在会议邀请中.

Note: There is an option to exclude passcode in the Zoom link, "Embed passcode in invite link for one-click join.当您必须在公共网站上共享Zoom链接并且只向预先注册的会议或会议人员提供密码时,请选择此选项. However, if you plan to email the Zoom link to known participants, 取消选择该选项,以便参与者在加入时不必输入密码. However, if they manually enter the meeting ID to join, they will still be prompted to enter a passcode.

Require Authentication

确保只有与足彩外围网站相关的参与者才能加入您的Zoom会议, you can select to have only authenticated users to join. This means, 所有参与者必须在参加会议之前通过MyCalStateLA Portal登录.

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. Schedule a meeting or webinar.
  3. Under Meeting Options or Webinar Options, click Only authenticated users can join.

Disable Join Before Host

If the Join before host option is enabled, 第一个加入会议的人将自动成为主持人,并将完全控制会议. For greater control and security of a meeting, 主持人可以要求与会者在自己到达后才加入会议.

While scheduling a meeting, make sure the Enable join before host option is disabled. See the Join Before Host page of the Zoom Help Center for more information.

Limit Screen Sharing to the Host

默认情况下,任何与会者都可以共享自己的屏幕. 会议主持人可以为与会者禁用屏幕共享功能,以防止与会者控制屏幕或共享不想要的内容.

To limit screen sharing to the host:

  1. At the bottom of the Zoom window, click the arrow next to Share Screen, and then click Advanced Sharing Options.
  2. Under Who can share, select Only Host.
  3. Click the X icon in the upper-right corner to close the dialog box.

Remove a Participant from a Meeting

If an uninvited or disruptive participant joins a meeting, the host can remove the participant from the meeting. 与会者一旦被删除,将无法重新加入会议.

To remove a participant from a meeting:

  1. Click Manage Participants at the bottom of the Zoom window to display the Participants panel.
  2. In the Participants panel, hover over the participant’s name, click More, and then click Remove.
  3. Click OK in the confirmation dialog box.

Lock a Meeting

Once all attendees have joined a meeting, 主持人可以锁定会议以阻止其他人加入, even if they have the meeting ID and password.

To lock a meeting:

  1. Click Manage Participants at the bottom of the Zoom window to display the Participants panel.
  2. At the bottom of the Participants panel, click More, and then click Lock Meeting.
  3. Click Yes in the confirmation dialog box.

Note: You can unlock a meeting by clicking More, and then by clicking Unlock Meeting.

Zoom Video Webinar

Zoom视频网络研讨会允许用户向最多3,000名只能观看的与会者广播Zoom会议. 我们为教职员工购买了有限的许可证.

更多深入的说明和视频教程,请访问 Zoom Help Center.

教师和工作人员可以通过提交请求访问网络研讨会 the Request for Zoom Webinar Form in ServiceNow (login required).

There are a few ways that you can start your webinar.

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal and click Webinars. Find the webinar, and click Start.
    Schedule a Webinar menu
  2. In the Zoom client, click on the Meetings tab. Find the webinar, and click Start.
    Webinar Menu with Start button highlighted
  3. 如果您已将其添加到日历中,请单击日历提醒上显示的链接. 在点击链接之前,请确保您已登录到Zoom帐户.

Panelists are full participants in the meeting. They can view and send video, screen share, annotate, etc. Learn how to invite panelists. Attendees are view-only participants. 他们可以通过Q与主持人和小组成员互动&A and the chat.  


  1. 复制注册网址,并通过电子邮件,你的网站等分享.
  2. 选择复制邀请以查看和复制由Zoom创建的邀请以发送给与会者.
  3. 选择“电子邮件邀请我”以接收Zoom邀请的副本,然后您可以将其转发给潜在的与会者.

Invite Attendees option menu highlighted

Basic Conference Calling

传统的音频会议是所有标准校园提供的电话的一个功能,可用于3-6人之间的电话会议. 默认情况下,所有手机都有桥接3个参与者的能力. 此功能可根据要求扩展,最多可容纳6名参与者. 请注意,不能通过拨打共享会议电话号码加入电话会议, but rather, 它们是通过单独呼叫每个参与者并一次将他们连接到电话会议中来建立的. For more instructions please visit our phone and voicemail guides.