Admission Information


Please visit the Office of Admissions and Recruitment to review, complete and submit your application.

您将在3-5天内收到一封足彩外围网站提交在线申请和确认收到申请的电子邮件. 这封电子邮件将包括你的足彩外围网站识别号码(CIN). 请在向足彩外围网站提交文件或与我们联系时参考. Your CIN will help us to find your record. 此后不久,您将收到第二封带有帐户密码的电子邮件.

After receiving both emails, 您应该立即通过MyCalStateLA门户建立一个CalStateLA帐户. 这是非常重要的为您设置帐户,以便您可以查看您的申请状态和接收重要的电子邮件通知.

祝贺并欢迎来到洛杉矶加州州立大学. We look forward to you joining the Golden Eagle family.


Form I-20 and SEVIS Record-From Inside the U.S.
一旦你被足彩外围网站录取,你将通过电子邮件收到录取通知书. 然后,您应该通知您当前学校的顾问将您的SEVIS记录转移到足彩外围网站,并让顾问完成 Cal State LA Transfer-In Form. Once your SEVIS record has been transferred, 您的I-20将在7-10个工作日内从足彩外围网站领取. 
如果您希望我们为您的朋友或家人保管您的I-20,请填写以下表格 Release of Documents and Information Form. 如果你想让I-20通过邮寄的方式寄给你,而你居住在加州以外, we suggest using a courier service. 请阅读新生I-20验证中的邮寄方式.
Form I-20 and SEVIS Record-From Outside the U.S.
Please take time to review the Pre-Arrival Handbook for important information on paying the SEVIS fee, applying for a visa stamp, 以及准备在美国生活的小贴士.
如果您希望我们为您的朋友或家人保管您的I-20,请填写以下表格 Release of Documents and Information Form. 如果您希望I-20通过邮寄的方式发给您,我们建议您使用快递服务. 请阅读新生I-20验证中的邮寄方式.
Visa and Immigration Advisement
有关国际学生签证和移民要求的更多细节, 请在国际办公室网站上查看当前学生部分. If you have questions, you may contact us at [email protected] or 323-343-3170.
  • 本科生必须参加足彩外围网站 Golden Eagle Orientation held during the summer. 有关注册的其他信息将在培训期间提供.
  • 研究生入学指导由研究生办公室和个别学术部门提供.
  • 所有的F-1国际学生都必须通过SEVIS的报到流程, as well as attend the Immigration Workshop.

1. 我如何申请成为足彩外围网站的国际学生? 

Contact the International Office (323- 343-3170) or email [email protected] for admission criteria. The online application is available at Cal State Apply. 按照公布的截止日期提交申请和证明文件.

2. I have a question about transferring to Cal State LA. Whom can I contact? 

If your question is related to admission, such as admission criteria, deadlines, or document submission, 请致电(323-343-3901). If your question is related to immigration, such as the I-20 or travel during the transfer, you should call the International Office at 323-343-3170 or email [email protected].

3. What name should I enter for the University application? 

You should use the name that is printed on your passport. 如果没有护照,请使用出生证明上的姓名. 您在大学申请中填写的姓名将与您在I-20上填写的姓名相同. 你的名字拼写正确并按正确顺序排列是很重要的. Spacing and hyphens should be consistent. Please see the section for Information Integrity, above.

4. How do I apply for the Form I-20/DS-2019? 

You must apply to the University, be admitted as a student, 出示有效的经济支持,然后I-20就会发给你. If you are transferring from another U.S. institution, 你现在的学校必须在我们签发I-20之前将你的SEVIS记录发布给足彩外围网站.

5. I have not taken the TOEFL yet. Can I still apply? 

Yes. 你应该在规定的截止日期前提交在线申请. You can then submit other supporting documents, such as the TOEFL score, after the application deadline. 你必须在招生和招聘办公室网站上显示的最后期限之前提交所有必需的文件, 或通过招生办公室的信件提供给你.

6. 我应该什么时候寄证明文件,比如成绩单、托福、经济支持等.? 

招生评估人员只会审查完整的申请材料. 因此,如果您的应用程序包缺少一个或多个文档,这将延迟其处理. 最好尽快提交所有必需的文件,以便您的申请可以被审查. 请务必在公布的截止日期之前提交所需的文件.

7. 我正在申请研究生课程,我需要提交什么? 

As a graduate applicant, 你必须向足彩外围网站提交两份申请:第一份是向大学提交的, which is the University online application that every applicant must submit; and the second is to the department of your specific program/major. In order to receive official admission to Cal State LA, 你必须被学校和你的专业录取.

8. I submitted my application on Cal State Apply. What do I do now? 

After submitting your online application, you will receive two emails: one, with your Campus Identification Number, and the other, with your Personal Identification Number. 您可以使用这两个号码访问您的足彩外围网站帐户,并跟踪您的申请状态. 该帐户将列出任何待办事项和丢失的文件,以及提交它们的截止日期. 

9. Can the University email or fax a copy of my I-20 to me? 

No. 国土安全部禁止我们以这种电子方式发送I-20表格的副本.

10. 我还没有收到招生办公室足彩外围网站我申请的消息. Whom should I contact? 

您可以通过访问您的GET帐户来查找您的待办事项列表和查看应用程序状态, or email to [email protected], or call (323) 343-3901.

12. Is there housing on campus? Does it include a meal plan? 

Yes. Information on housing is available in our International Student Housing Section or by contacting Housing Services at 323-343-4800. 除了每个校园公寓的厨房外,还有几种膳食计划可供选择. There is also food for purchase on campus.