研究生 Thesis, Project, and Dissertation Guidelines


All students who complete a thesis 或论文, 还有一些学生完成了一个项目报告, will submit their manuscripts to the 研究生资源中心 for approval. 学生 will work with the GRC to format the document while they work with their committee to draft the content. 学生 should attend a 格式和提交 workshop 或网络研讨会 in their final term to learn about formatting and submission procedures. 学生们也被鼓励 加入GRC画布课程 接收足彩外围网站截止日期的提醒.

观看2024年春天 论文格式和提交网络研讨会 记录和 下载演讲幻灯片.


学生可以提交论文, 项目报告, 或者是秋天的论文, 春天, 或者夏季学期. During the term they plan to submit their document for approval, students must meet the three submission 最后期限.



Master's students must schedule a "Thesis  Review" appointment in Navigate to receive format feedback on an early version of the thesis or 项目报告 draft. EdD and AuD students will schedule a "Doctoral Dissertation Review" appointment in Navigate to receive feedback from the GRC Coordinator. 审查草稿仅用于 格式要求,不满足.


  • Schedule this appointment once you have one or two chapters of your manuscript completed.
  • Merge your manuscript into the appropriate template prior to this appointment.
  • Use this appointment to ask questions about formatting or submission procedures.

安排约会 现在.

Master's and doctoral candidates must upload their drafts to ProQuest for official review. 


  • Before you upload, incorporate the format feedback you received in the preliminary review.
  • Aim to be done writing your content by this deadline so that you can upload a complete draft for official review.
  • Keep the PDF of instructions open while you work in ProQuest.



Master's and doctoral candidates must upload their final drafts to ProQuest and submit their signed GS-13 form to (电子邮件保护).


  • All edits requested by your committee members must be finalized on this date. Committee members can sign off on the GS-13 form as soon as you have finalized their requested edits.
  • 提交GS-13表格 the committee-approved draft is uploaded to ProQuest.
  • It's okay if you still have format errors to correct 后 this deadline. Only your content needs to be finalized by this date.



下载 格式的清单 找出草稿中的格式错误.





We can be flexible with the formatting of headings and subheadings within your chapters but be consistent in how you format each type of heading. 所有一级标题的格式应该相同, 所有二级标题的格式应该相同, 等.

APA风格快速指南 (加州州立大学洛杉矶图书馆)

APA的风格 (普渡猫头鹰)

MLA风格快速指南 (加州州立大学洛杉矶图书馆)

MLA (普渡猫头鹰) 

芝加哥风格快速指南 (加州州立大学洛杉矶图书馆)

芝加哥风格 (普渡猫头鹰)

访问加州州立大学洛杉矶图书馆网站 写作和引用,或 普渡大学OWL网站 获取其他引用和参考资源.


添加点状引线 to Table of Contents, List of Tables, List of Figures



学生 can receive formatting support on their thesis or 项目报告 by scheduling an appointment or by dropping in.


登录到您的 MyCalStateLA门户 打开NavigateLA. Click the blue "Get Assistance" button and select "Thesis Review" as the service.

*预约之前, complete one or two chapters and merge your draft into the appropriate template.


Email questions about formatting and submission to (电子邮件保护).


All students who complete a thesis 或论文 must submit their final draft to the GRC for approval by the posted 最后期限. Some students who complete a 项目报告 will submit to the GRC for approval. 学生 completing a 项目报告 in the following programs or Colleges  提交政府审核委员会批准:

  • 工商经济学院
  • College of Engineering, Computer Science, and Technology
  • 社会工作学院
  • 犯罪学硕士课程
  • 拉丁美洲研究项目
  • 社会学(投资组合选项)

学生 can meet with any Reviewer for formatting feedback.

The 最后期限 are structured in a way to make the format and submission process as smooth as possible for students. Missing the first deadline means you will have more format corrections to make closer to the end of the semester. 学生 must meet the second and third 最后期限 to be eligible for graduation.

There are a few rare circumstances where we cannot approve a thesis, 项目报告, 或论文, 包括:

  • when a student conducts human or animal subjects research without IRB or IACUC approval
  • 如果学生没有提交GS-13表格
  • when a student doesn't make requested format edits that come from the GRC

在你的最后一个学期,参加一个tHesis格式和提交研讨会 或网络研讨会. 在那些会议上, we cover everything you need to k现在 about requirements, 最后期限, 和程序. 我们也鼓励你这样做 加入GRC画布课程 to receive email announcements with tips and reminders about 最后期限 和程序.

学生 in the joint doctoral program in Special Education should email (电子邮件保护) during their final term at UCLA to notify the GRC Coordinator that they will be finishing the program. 学生 will submit the UCLA-approved version of the dissertation to 加州大学洛杉矶分校. 截止日期会有所不同.

  初步审查 上传至ProQuest 最终草案和GS-13*
2024年秋季 2024年11月29日 2024年12月6日 2024年12月13日
2025年春季 2025年4月25日 2025年5月2日 2025年5月16日
2025年夏天 2025年7月25日 2025年8月1日 2025年8月8日

*The final submission deadline is always the Friday of Finals Week.