
招聘和雇用过程需要遵守联邦、州和犯罪现场小组的指导方针. Please plan ahead to ensure timely staffing: Dates & Deadlines.

The Process

Job Requisition

A new requisition must be submitted each year. 请确保主动申请已被批准为您正在寻求招聘的术语.

Job Posting

Handshake是一个面向大学生的在线职业社区. 学生可以在足彩外围网站寻找学生工作,除了实习和工作,以启动他们的职业生涯.


Request Access to Post Jobs on Handshake

If you do not have a Handshake account, contact [email protected] to receive the form to request an invitation to join. 请提供申请人的电子邮件地址及其部门主管的电子邮件地址.

邀请将通过握手发送,您需要点击提供的链接才能开始. Then, use our Handshake Campus Employer Registration guide to set up your account.

Post the Job on Handshake for Approval

With your employer access to Handshake, use our How to Manage Student Job Postings in Handshake to post the job.

你的招聘启事将由就业中心的工作人员审核. 我们将您的招聘启事与申请中批准的描述进行比较. 如果有差异,我们会联系您要求修改.

当你的申请和足彩外围网站相符时, 我们将批准招聘启事,使其能够让学生看到并申请.

Review Applications

Applicants are required to submit the Student Employment Application to the job posting on Cal State LA Handshake. 使用您的Handshake帐户查看谁申请了该职位并访问他们的应用程序. 我们鼓励您指出候选人的申请状态. 这样做可以帮助学生了解他们在申请过程中的位置.

Confirm Eligibility

As you screen applicants, make sure they are:

Interview Candidates

Interview qualified candidates. List and rate all interviewees on the Student Employment Interview Record Form.

Offer the Position

在握手中,为您想要雇用的候选人选择雇用. Select decline for the candidates you did not select. Go to How to Manage Student Job Postings in Handshake for more guidance.

Inform the Career Center of your Hiring Request

Submit the following to [email protected]:

*重要:在雇佣交易表(ETF)中输入的生效日期是请求日期,而不是实际开始工作的日期.  在我们通过电子邮件发出工作授权通知之前,学生不能开始工作.

Employment Eligibility


  • 如果需要学生就业申请表上列出的工作职责,学生已经清除了Live Scan.

  • 学生按照相关的科罗拉多州立大学分类入学.

  • 根据相关的I-9许可,该学生之前受雇于足彩外围网站.

If a Live Scan ,就业中心工作人员将联系学生安排实时扫描预约. 

一旦我们收到实时扫描结果的通知,他们已经通过了, 我们将通过电子邮件安排招聘预约,以核实他们的I-9就业资格.

实时扫描预约将在加州州立大学洛杉矶公共安全部进行. 为了帮助您的学生为预约做好准备,我们列出了以下说明. There is no cost for Cal State LA student employees.

Students will be asked to take the following steps:

  1. 回复我们的电子邮件以确认您的现场扫描预约. 填写并签署《足彩外围网站》和《足彩外围网站》. These forms are sent via DocuSign. 

  2. Attend your scheduled Live Scan appointment.

  3. Once the Live Scan appointment is completed, you must email your name, 实时扫描应用程序上列出的CIN和ATI号码 [email protected].

  4. 一旦我们收到实时扫描结果的通知,你就通过了, 我们会给你发邮件安排面谈,以核实I-9雇佣资格.


During the Hiring Appointment

Form I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification

所有学生就业候选人必须证明就业资格. 证明就业资格的步骤取决于学生的身份.

Review the steps for obtaining an Authorization to Work 帮助你的候选人及时完成这个过程. Students are responsible for completing their I-9 verification in person.

Payroll Documents

在I-9验证后,学生将被要求填写工资单和新员工文件. 我们在招聘期间指导学生完成这些步骤.

Once the above steps are completed, we will email the student, 主管和就业交易表(ETF)的编制人提供工作授权通知.

工作授权通知将标明学生雇员可以开始工作的日期. 在我们发出工作授权电子邮件之前,学生员工无法开始工作.

Types of Authorizations to Work

Authorizations to Work 是根据学生雇员的注册状态发放的吗.

Enrolled Half-time or More

Student assistants (classification 1870) are temporary, part-time workers who are currently enrolled, at minimum, 以获得学位为主要目标的半学期学分.

Enrolled Less than Half-time

如果一个学生在雇佣时被录取的时间少于一半(分类1874), 他们必须在上学期注册了一半或更多的时间,并在即将到来的学期注册了一半或更多的时间.

Exception: If the student graduated in the prior term, they can work one term immediately following graduation.

Not Enrolled When Hired Nor in the Previous Term

