Undergraduate Research Hub

研究对足彩外围网站的使命至关重要,本科生研究起着重要作用. 本科研究是一项高影响力的活动,它赋予学生权力,并有助于获得新知识. 足彩外围网站本科生研究中心是本科生研究之旅各个阶段的资源和跳板.


Explore Research

定义研究的方法有很多,但所有的定义都有一个共同点,那就是研究是一种 systematic investigation that leads to new knowledge. That kind of investigation involves searching and re-searching.

作为一名本科生做研究有很多好处. 除了加深你对一个主题的知识和有利于你的课程, undergraduate research will help you...

  • establish a new community bound by a love of discovery
  • 与你的教师和研究同行导师建立长期关系,这将对你的职业生涯产生积极影响
  • learn new concepts and techniques
  • contribute to new knowledge that will benefit society
  • 通过会议演讲扩展你的专业网络
  • 为硕士和博士课程的研究生研究做好更好的准备
  • develop leadership skills as mentor of other students.

Last not least: research is exciting and a lot of fun!

Image of a research lab group with 14 people


一个成功的研究人员的许多重要方面也可以在生活的其他方面找到. Creativity, curiosity, resilience, enjoying troubleshooting, patience, 有兴趣找出事情发生的原因,并为世界问题找到宏观或微观的解决方案,即使只是在很小的范围内. 如果其中任何一个适用于你,那么你可能已经是一名研究人员了. The best way to discover if research is for you is to do it. 顺便说一下,研究不仅发生在实验室里,也发生在室外, in the field, under the sea, in space, in zoos, in your community, in schools, in libraries, and just about anywhere.


There are many ways to begin your research journey.

  • Connect with student active in research.
  • Join a student club in your field of interest.
  • 参加一年一度的加州州立大学洛杉矶研讨会的研究,奖学金,和创造性活动.
  • Take a course that introduces research.
  • Reach out to faculty doing research on campus.
  • Explore research-focused programs and centers on campus.
  • Apply for summer research programs off-campus.

Learn more on how to get started

除了研究之外,还有其他形式的课外活动可以为你提供智力增长和专业发展的机会. 你可以与你所在领域的教职员工和社区进行互动. Below are several such centers listed.

Centers providing hands-on experiences for students
Field Center
Arts and Letters Center for Contemporary Poetry and Poetics
  Centers for the Study of Genders and Sexualities
Business and Economics Center for Entrepreneurship
Human and Health Services The Mobility Center
  The Hertzberg-Davis Forensic Science Center


Find Research Support

足彩外围网站举办了几个研究培训项目,其中许多为学生进入博士课程做准备. 学员有机会获得专业发展和不同的职业发展道路, attend seminars in their discipline, and interact with professionals in their field. 受训者通常进行教师指导的研究,并可能获得津贴和/或学费支持.

Explore research training programs at Cal State LA

也有许多私人基金会和专业协会支持本科生的研究. Typically, 支持是针对与教师导师一起完成特定项目的学生,并且可以与教师导师合作提交申请. Ask your faculty mentor about such opportunities. 

图书馆有许多资源来支持学生进行研究,如查找相关文献, reading the literature, and appropriately citing the literature.

Find library resources here


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Share Your Research

研究成果可以在许多层面上以许多方式共享,包括但不限于:在研究小组成员之间, between lab groups, at conferences ranging from local on-campus to international conferences; in form of informal conversations, as oral presentation with a poster or a slide show, and in written form as an article or book entry.

当计划在本科生研究期刊上发表论文时, you should consider a few things. It is a great outlet for scientific writing, increases competitiveness for graduate programs, and prepares for writing at the graduate level. However, 学生期刊可能无法被索引和发现,教师研究导师可能对特定学科的期刊更感兴趣.

与你的研究导师讨论你应该以何种方式分享你的研究. 在这里,我们展示了一些专门针对学生演讲和出版物的场所.


Covers of Current Cal State LA Student Journals



List of undergraduate research journals. 查看他们的网站,了解他们目前是否接受稿件投稿.
Field Journal  ISSN Open Access Indexed
Multidisciplinary American Journal of Undergraduate Research 2375-8732   Yes
  Butler Journal of Undergraduate Research None    
  Discussions: the Undergraduate Research Journal of CWRU None    
  Journal of Undergraduate Research & Scholarly Excellence 2156-5309    
  Midwest Journal of Undergraduate Research 2160-9357    
  Reinvention: An International Journal of Undergraduate Research  1755-7429 Yes  
  The Journal of Young Investigators 1539-4026    
  Journal of Student Research 2167-1907 Yes Yes
Mathematics Involve- a journal of mathematics 1944-4184 Yes Yes
  The Rose-Hulman Undergraduate Mathematics Journal None    
Sciences The Dartmouth Undergraduate Journal of Science 2167-7891 Yes  
  EvoS杂志:进化研究联盟杂志 1944-1932 Yes  
Social Sciences, Arts & Humanities INQUIRIES Journal  2153-5760 Yes  


Contact Information

Headshot Dr. Porter
  •    Edith Porter, M.D
  •    Faculty Undergraduate Research Liaison
  •    [email protected]


 Drop-in Zoom Office Hours: Wednesdays, 3:15 - 4:15 pm