凯瑟琳·利格, 2017 Public Policy and International Affairs Program (PPIA) Undergraduate Fellow


Name: 凯瑟琳·利格      Major: Social Work         Minor: Spanish       Graduation Date: May 2018



The Public Policy and International Affairs Fellowship Program (PPIA) is designed to help students achieve a Master’s or joint degree, 特别是在公共政策方面, 公共管理, 国际事务或相关领域. The organization does this through the intensive study provided by participation in a Junior Summer Institute (JSI), through partnerships with universities across the country, and through an alumni network that provides opportunities to connect with nearly 4000 individuals who share the same interest in public service.

每年, PPIA seeks out high-potential undergraduate students from universities across the country to participate in an intensive seven-week Junior Summer Institute (JSI) before their senior year. 在他们的项目中, fellows are equipped with the knowledge and skills they will need to succeed in graduate school and ultimately, 为公众利益服务的有影响力的角色.

Once a student has successfully completed their JSI, 他们加入了一个近4人的校友网络,000年的领导人. In addition to the opportunities that this network provides for mentoring and career development, our alumni network has the opportunity to receive financial support for their graduate school education if they attend one of the programs in our Graduate School Consortium.


When I graduate in May 2018, my next step will be graduate school. My dream is to receive my Masters of Social Work at Columbia University, but I’m also open to other top out of state Social Work schools. 在获得硕士学位后, I will begin my supervised hours to become a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. This license will allow me to perform direct mental health services. I plan to use this time to fully understand the needs of children, 青少年, 还有年轻人, and particularly the vulnerable population of this age range. The ultimate goal is to work toward 公共管理 with a generational approach (a theory emphasizing youth) to politics. Eventually I’d like to find my place in the government whether that be as a council member, 参议员, 或者总统(要么做大,要么回家), 正确的?).


Public policy and international affairs has sparked an interest in me as a social worker over the last year or so. I realized that I wanted to reach more people than I will in direct service. The PPIA program was just the 正确的 program to step my foot into public policy/administration. I wanted to see what I’d be getting myself into before I commit to any macro level path. It intrigued me how many prestigious schools participated in their Graduate School Consortium! I’ve been more adamant about preparing for graduate school applications. I also saw a lot of potential at the University of Minnesota’s JSI to learn how to use my social work skills in politics.

What was the most challenging part of the application process?

The most challenging part of the application was coming up with what to write. When you have a hard time writing about your life or maybe even too many experiences you want to include, 空格和措辞都很棘手. 一旦你提交了申请, it is your only impression so you have to make sure it is put together as much as possible. It took me a long time to figure out what examples fit the application best. I found myself wanting to say too much, but I eventually narrowed it down.

What tips or suggestions do you have for future applicants?

了解自己! Find out what you believe are important experiences your life and write about them. It will be useful to you when you write your personal statements. 在那之后, you should be able to identify what was significant to you and what you can write most about. Also, do your research on possible positions you see yourself in. You may find out that a specific job title you thought you wanted to work towards isn’t exactly want you want to be doing. This application prepares you to look into what you want out of grad school, 那就开始找研究生吧. You may be surprised by special programs universities offer and see if that school is in the Graduate School Consortium.


I think people would be surprised to know that if I had to choose any other profession than social work, 我想成为一个电影导演! I always dreamed of moving to LA for acting when I was younger, 但随着年龄的增长, 我意识到我在别处有使命. I saw actors and actresses as influential people that encouraged others to be whomever they wanted. Now I have found a profession where I hope to enable others to be whoever they are/want to be.

Update: 凯瑟琳 was also recently selected to attend a PPIA Public Service Weekend at 加州大学圣地亚哥分校 4月!


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