Diane Fazzi

a person in a graduation gown shaking hands with another person in a cap and gown

Temporary Associate Vice President of Special Projects, Academic Affairs

Challenges in the Application Process

I was motivated to go to college because I wanted to be a teacher since I entered kindergarten. It was challenging to figure out the application process for college and the financial aid and scholarship paperwork since I needed to be able to pay my own way through college. I was lucky to have a friend in high school who encouraged me and showed me how to apply for things.

Finding a Support System in College

Going off to college, even though it was driving distance from home, was quite the adjustment. I was lucky to get a position as a student assistant in an office where a staff member treated me with respect and kindness and became my "mom" away from home. There was a faculty member in my teaching program who mentored me and my classmates. I was fortunate that after graduating with my B.S. that he called me and told me that I needed to go to graduate school. I wasn't even considering that and that made a huge difference in my career and in my life. I don't think I would do anything differently because I learned and grew a great deal from my mistakes and the challenges along the road.

Advice to First-Gen Students

I would always recommend that if possible to get a job on campus that connects you to people and helps support your academics and college experience. For me it was important that I had a career goal - I knew that I wanted to teach students who were blind and that kept me motivated to study and apply myself. I know it is not always easy to know what you want to do after college when you are young, but I highly recommend volunteer work in different fields to figure out what career you might enjoy and be good at. Matching a career goal to your college experience can really help you stay on track.