SHC |非终身职心理咨询师学生服务专业, 学术相关1 - 12个月



The Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) Department of the 学生健康中心 (SHC)


非终身聘用心理咨询师(一级高级顾问/AR - 12个月)




1)咨询专业硕士或博士学位, 行为科学, 正规大学心理学或相关专业毕业.
2)持有加州婚姻家庭治疗师执照, 临床社会工作者, 持牌专业临床咨询师, 或心理学家.
3)具备简短心理治疗的知识和技能, 危机干预, 咨询, 车间/组心理治疗, 和推广.
4)有个人经验, 夫妻, 为不同年龄的客户提供独立的团体咨询服务.
5) Evidence of clinical 经验 necessary for assessing and treating a broad spectrum of psychological problems, 从个人/社会适应问题到严重的情绪障碍.
6) Demonstrated 经验 with interventions and clinical case man年龄ment with complex and high-risk clients.
9) Demonstrated commitment and ability to utilize professional counseling techniques and strategies to meet the needs of a student body with varied backgrounds, 文化, 性别身份, 年龄, 性取向, 以及其他不同的品质.
具有处理多元文化的经验, 交点的, and social justice issues and proven ability to interact with diverse individuals and 集团s.
11)表现出兴趣, 经验, and ability to work with and support one or more of the following student populations: Student Veterans, 本校, 黑人和非裔美国学生和/或LGBTQIA+学生.
12) Evidence of ability to work well with colleagues and demonstrate ability and interest in working in a multi少数民族, 多元文化环境.
13) Demonstrated 经验 maintaining effective working relationships with a variety of mental health and medical 工作人员 and specialists, 还有学生, 管理员, 教职员工.
14) Demonstrated ability to actively contribute to a 积极的 working environment by exhibiting solution-focused, 积极的, 合作, 灵活的行为.


辅导员将提供全方位的临床, 咨询, 及外展服务,由社区服务中心主任及社区服务中心主任负责. 辅导员职位负责, 但不限于, 下述规定:个人, 集团, and 夫妻 mental health assessment; counseling, 心理治疗, and case man年龄ment; emergency assessment and 危机干预; tele therapy; prevention 教育; classroom, 集团, 组织, 以及部门报告, and 研讨会; referrals; individual, 组织al and 集团 咨询; treatment/intervention planning and follow through; timely documentation of case notes and reports in electronic health records; referrals to and consulting with other professionals on- and off-campus; participation in CAPS peer review and other activities of the SHC Continuous Quality Improvement program; attending CAPS and other departmental meetings as assigned; participation at professional trainings, 研讨会 and/or conferences as assigned; participation in other assigned SHC and campus committees and activities; licensure maintenance; may be required to train and mentor peer educators. The Counselor will provide 外展 and programming designed to support 黑人和非裔美国学生和/或LGBTQIA+学生. 其他分配的工作.

The successful candidate will be committed to the academic success of all of our 学生 and to an environment that acknowledges, 鼓励, 并庆祝丰富的文化, 少数民族, 以及大学所服务社区的种族结构. 为此目的, 成功的候选人会有效地工作, 恭敬地, 并在多方面进行协作, 多元文化的, 包容性设置. 除了, 成功的候选人将准备加入教师队伍, 工作人员, 学生, 和管理人员在我们大学对参与原则的共同承诺, 服务, 公共利益.


范围:6190 - 7794美元/月



加州州立大学, Los Angeles (加州大学洛杉矶分校) is one of 23 campuses within the 加州州立大学 system.  这所大学是洛杉矶市中心首屈一指的综合性公立大学. 足彩外围网站在全美排名第一.S. 为学生的向上流动, 并致力于参与, 服务, 公共利益.  我们提供国家认可的科学课程, 艺术, 业务, 刑事司法, 工程, 护理, 教育, 民族研究, 人文学科. 我们的 教师对奖学金有很强的承诺, 研究, 富有创造性的活动中, 社区参与, 和服务. 

我们的24万名校友反映了城市和县人口的动态组合.  The University has one of the most diverse student populations of any college or university in the nation.  作为联邦政府认可的西班牙裔服务机构, 和亚裔, 印第安人, 太平洋岛民服务机构, 加州大学洛杉矶分校 recognizes the transformative power of 教育 and emb比赛s its duty to identify and serve the needs of all of its 学生. The University is committed to creating a community in which a diverse population can live, work and learn in an atmosphere of 礼貌和尊重每个人的权利和情感.


The Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) department at 加州大学洛杉矶分校 is an integral component of the 学生健康中心 and is committed to ensuring student success by providing exceptional mental health 服务s with an increased awareness and appreciation for individual differences within our diverse campus community. 这包括为不同种族/民族/国家背景的学生提供服务, 性/爱情的方向, 性别和不符合性别的身份, 身心能力, 语言, 年龄, 宗教/信仰, 以及社会经济背景,对这些不同的生活经历给予最大的尊重. 我们重视所有人的尊严和价值, 人际关系的重要性, 以及促进个人成长.

为了完成我们的使命, CAPS提供全方位的心理和咨询服务,包括个人, 夫妻, 还有团体咨询, 研讨会, 风险评估, 危机干预, 心理教育, 外展, 咨询, 精神科服务. Our providers are licensed professionals dedicated to creating safe and welcoming spaces that support the success, 幸福, 更有利于足彩外围网站的学生.



3)叙述性陈述,描述你与教师有效合作的承诺, 工作人员, and 学生 in a 多元文化的/multi少数民族 urban campus environment with a substantial population of first-generation 学生.
4)大学求职申请书 Form


3) CA BBS执照证明或执照合格证明.



Review of applications will begin November 1, 2022 and will continue until the positions are filled.

请将所有申请材料以PDF格式发送至: (电子邮件保护) 请在标题栏内输入“CAPS心理咨询师申请”.

Please address all questions to the Counseling and Psychological Services Associate Director, Dr. 奥斯马拉·雷耶斯-奥索里奥: (电子邮件保护) or 323-343-3314.

Note: The person holding this position is considered a "mandated reporter" under the California Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act and is required to comply with the requirements set forth in CSU Executive Order 1083 as a condition of employment.

1月1日开始, 2022, campuses may not hire or reappoint an Employee to perform CSU-related work outside of California. Requests for exceptions are very limited based on CSU Policy and must have prior written approval from the University President.  

A background check (including a criminal records check) must be completed satisfactorily before any candidate can be offered a position with the CSU. Failure to satisfactorily complete the background check may affect the application status of applicants or continued employment of current CSU employees who apply for the position. 

除了完全履行联邦和州法律规定的义务之外, 足彩外围网站致力于创建一个多元化人口可以生活的社区, 在宽容的氛围中工作和学习, 礼貌和尊重每个人的权利和情感. 为此目的, all qualified individuals will receive equal consideration without regard to economic status, 比赛, 种族, color, 宗教, 婚姻状况, 怀孕, 民族出身或文化背景, 政治观点, 性, 性取向, 性别认同, 年龄, 残疾, 伤残老兵或越战老兵身份. 


要求, reasonable accommodation will be provided to individuals with protected disabilities to (a) complete the employment process and (b) perform essential job functions when this does not cause undue hardship.