Academic Affairs



Starting Date:

On-going. Positions will be filled as needed for each academic semester.

Minimum Qualifications:

Degree-seeking graduate student in any Department, Division, or School that requires, or has as an option, 毕业论文:作为博士或硕士学位的最终成果的论文或项目.  学生必须选择完成论文或项目为他们的研究生学位.  研究生助理必须在科罗拉多州立大学研究生学位课程中注册,并且必须在聘任期内注册完成该研究生学位课程.  申请人应具有在学术环境中与他人良好相处的能力, and demonstrate ability and/or interest in working in a multiethnic, multicultural environment. The applicant must have good library research skills, strong written and oral communication skills, strong people/social skills, computer skills, 并且熟悉微软办公软件, such as Word and Excel.

As a University dedicated to engagement, service and the public good, the successful candidate will be expected to join faculty, staff, students and administrators in a commitment to these purposes.

Preferred Qualifications:


Hiring Criteria:

Student is in graduate degree program; Will complete a thesis or project; Strong people/social skills as demonstrated in interview; Familiarity with software programs of Microsoft Office Suite and proficient in computer usage; Ability or interest in working in a multiethnic, multicultural environment.


Under the general supervision of the Dean of Graduate Studies and Research, the Graduate Assistant will receive mandatory training from the University Thesis Coordinator (UTC) and will attend at least one of the quarterly workshops given by the UTC; will work with graduate students who are completing a thesis or project as the culminating experience for their master’s degree; will ensure that the thesis or project meets all stated format requirements for the document to be accepted by the Library; will consult with the Dean as necessary when problems or issues arise but will in general work independently to designate that a particular document meets all requirements for delivery to the Library; will maintain designated office hours to provide direct individual contact between student and graduate assistant; will clarify format issues for students. The Graduate Assistant will not act as a content editor for the student.  是否会根据需要执行研究生办公室的文书或其他日常工作.  工作将在学期的第一周开始,并持续到提交给图书馆的论文/项目的截止日期(这个截止日期是一个特定季度期末考试周后的星期四结束营业)。.  每周实际工作时间将随本季度后几周的工作时间而变化.  本学期每周平均工作时间为10小时,每周最多为20小时.


Current Graduate Assistant rate for an average of up to 10 hours per week.

The University:

California State University, 洛杉矶(足彩外围网站)是加州州立大学系统内的23个校区之一.  这所大学是洛杉矶市中心首屈一指的综合性公立大学. Cal State LA is ranked number one in the U.S. for the upward mobility of its students, and is dedicated to engagement, service, and the public good.  We offer nationally recognized programs in science, the arts, business, criminal justice, engineering, nursing, education, ethnic studies, and the humanities. Our faculty have a strong commitment to scholarship, research, creative pursuits, community engagement, and service.

Our 240,000 alumni reflect the City and County’s dynamic mix of populations.  这所大学是全国所有学院或大学中学生人数最多样化的大学之一.  As a federally recognized Hispanic-Serving Institution, and Asian-American, Native American, and Pacific Islander-Serving Institution, 足彩外围网站认识到教育的变革力量,并接受其识别和服务所有学生需求的责任. 大学致力于创建一个多元化人口可以生活的社区, 在礼貌的氛围中工作和学习,尊重每个人的权利和情感.

Required Documentation:

Standard documentation includes: letter of application, curriculum vita or resume, 在任何部门获得验证研究生学习计划注册的打印件, Division, or School that requires, or has as an option, 毕业论文:作为博士或硕士学位的最终成果的论文或项目, 三封推荐信和大学学术工作申请表 Form.

Employment is contingent upon proof of eligibility to work in the United States. 



Address applications, required documentation and/or requests for information to:

Office of Graduate Studies and Research
Lib N A-124
California State University, Los Angeles
5151 State University Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90032-8171


Beginning January 1, 2022, 校园不得雇用或重新任命员工在加州以外的地方执行犯罪现场组相关工作. 根据科罗拉多州立大学的政策,申请例外是非常有限的,必须事先得到大学校长的书面批准.  

背景调查(包括犯罪记录调查)必须令人满意地完成,然后才能为CSU提供职位. 未能令人满意地完成背景调查可能会影响申请人的申请状态或申请该职位的现有CSU员工的继续就业. 

In addition to meeting fully its obligations under federal and state law, 足彩外围网站致力于创建一个多元化人口可以生活的社区, work and learn in an atmosphere of tolerance, civility and respect for the rights and sensibilities of each individual. To that end, 所有符合条件的个人,不论其经济地位如何,都将得到平等的考虑, race, ethnicity, color, religion, marital status, pregnancy, national origin or cultural background, political views, sex, sexual orientation, gender identification, age, disability, disabled veteran or Vietnam era veteran status. 


Upon request, 将为受保护的残疾人士提供合理的便利,以(a)完成雇用程序;(b)在不会造成不当困难的情况下履行基本的工作职能.